Head injury or concussion

Mayom Hospital

Concussion can be defined as a type of head injury or TBI (Traumatic brain injury) that is generally caused by a bump, or any jolt to the head, or a blow that has the potential to cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, ultimately making changes, damaging the brain cells, and also temporarily alter the functioning of the brain. There can be numerous causes of head injury or concussion. Some of its causes include road accidents, sports injuries, falls, etc.
Symptoms of head injury or concussion
Let us have a look at some of the common symptoms of a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury among people:
  • Ø  Headache
  • Ø  Nausea
  • Ø  Dizziness
  • Ø  Blurry vision
  • Ø  Sensitivity to light
  • Ø  Sensitivity to noise
  • Ø  Fatigue
  • Ø  Depression
  • Ø  Seizures
Some of the symptoms may appear right away, while others may not be noticed for days or months. Sometimes people are unable to identify the symptoms, and they may look fine regardless of their mental state.
As discussed above, the most common cause of traumatic brain injury is the road accident. As per the doctors from General hospital Gurgaon Haryana, the first hour of injury is regarded as the golden hour, which means proper treatment in the first hour of injury can avoid any further complications and also can cut down the severity of the injury. Thus, it is believed that treatment should ideally start in the first hour of the injury. 
The treatment for head injury begins with the maintenance of oxygenation and blood pressure. In certain cases, where the injury ends up into a clot formation, surgeries may be required; otherwise, non-surgical treatments work for the injured patients. It should be noted that, when it comes to head injuries, some patients may recover completely, whereas a large number of people are left with some form of deficit. Thus, in the case of head injury and especially traumatic brain injury, the proverb “better be safe than sorry” holds true.


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