Pamper your baby’s sensitive skin in winters

Are you ready or not? You might be thinking, for what, right? The cold weather is rolling all over the country and this cold, wet, wintry time can be harmful to your baby’s soft and tender skin. According to the top maternity hospitals in Gurgaon, the dry and cold wind can be brutal on your young one’s fragile skin. Doctors from the best nicu care in Gurgaon say that there is no need to worry as a little extra attention can help you to lock the moisture of your baby’s skin. So, let us have a look at some ways to keep your baby’s skin super-smooth even in winters:
        Layer up, but not too much
In winters, we need to bundle up our little ones. What’s cuter than a baby in a tiny snow hat? But over overdressing a baby may lead to sweating and then heat rashes on their face and skin. So, refrain from over layering, and if you feel or realize that the baby is hot, then do away with a layer at a time.

        Keep the bathing time short
Make sure that you keep your baby’s bath time short. Bathe your baby with lukewarm water, as hot water will steal the moisture from your little one’s skin leaving it dry. Though bathing times are also the bonding times, it is suggested to keep bubble baths and water play for the warmer seasons and limit winter baths to 5 minutes.

        Moisturize, moisturize, and  moisturize
Once the baby has been bathed, don’t miss to apply coats of moisturizer. Make sure you use the one that is especially available for the babies. Avoid using scented ones, as they are not preservative free.

        Use humidifier
It is recommended to plug a humidifier in your baby’s room, as cold and dry winds can suck the moisture, which you need to replenish. A humidifier will put back some moisture in the room.
So the above stated are a few of the baby care tips, following which will surely help you locking the moisture of your baby’s skin. This winter, take extra care of your baby’s sensitive and delicate skin and consult a child specialist in Gurgaon if needed.


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