A woman gets complete when she becomes a mother. Giving birth is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. But the phase of pregnancy is not easy at all.  A woman has to bear the pain of delivery which is equal to the pain of the multiple bone fracture. Woman gets the second life after the birth of the baby. Nowadays c-section has become a part of the trend for the delivery because of its painless procedure. A normal delivery is often a risky and unbearable painful experience.  But vaginal delivery is still better than a C-section delivery.
                                                               MAYOM HOSPITAL

Why you should prefer normal delivery?
 Normal delivery is safe for the mother and her baby. A cesarean increased the risk of serious complications in future pregnancies or surgery. Babies born normally have lower risks of respiratory problems at birth. They also have a lower risk of diabetes, asthma, and obesity in later life.
What can a woman do to avoid a cesarean section?
1  1.  Exercise every day. Start with a 10-15 minute walk and gradually increase it to 40 minutes daily. Exercise helps you build the stamina that is required for labor.
1  2.  Your meal should contain fruits and vegetables, lean protein (lentils, milk, cheese, etc) and whole grains.
2  3.  Include Vitamins, Folic acid, Iron and minerals in your daily routine.
3  4. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours,
4  5. Keep yourself well hydrated.
5  6. Do not skip any meals during pregnancy.
6  7.  Quit smoking and liquor.
7  8.  Do some easy yoga to keep away stress and depression.

      All women deserve to give birth in a safe environment. The Pregnancy hospitalin Gurgaon has 24-hours onsite gynecologists and pediatricians, well-trained nurses, functional operation theater as well as a Best NICU care in Gurgaon. In the best delivery hospital in Gurgaon, doctors are supported by nursing staff that are trained to help women in labor.


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