Alcoholic Liver Disease

In the human body, the liver is one of the most complex organs, with over 500 functions. It works as filtering out blood toxins, storing energy, making hormones and proteins, and regulating cholesterol and blood sugar. Consuming over the limit of alcohol can be dangerous for your liver. Alcoholic liver disease is an outcome of over consuming alcohol. It damages the liver, leading to a buildup of fats, inflammation, and scarring. It can be fatal. The Doctor in Best hospital in Gurgaon Haryana at Mayom Hospital said that people can understand their risk of alcoholic liver disease if they know how much alcohol they are drinking. As alcoholic liver disease progresses to alcoholic hepatitis, symptoms at first to fever, jaundice, fatigue, and a tender, painful, and enlarged liver, then to more serious problems such as bleeding in the digestive tract and deterioration of brain function . You may feel tired. As the disease grows, more of your healthy liver tissue is replaced w...