Ear Infections: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose

An ear infection is an infection in the middle ear or inner ear. It is the inflammation of the part of the ear that is responsible for hearing and balancing. The middle ear is the air-filled space that contains the tiny vibrating bones. The infection can be either chronic or acute. Children get ear infection more likely than adults. Do not ignore the pain, if it occurs. You can consult Dr. Manish Prakash, the best ENT specialist in Gurgaon at Mayom Hospital because the chronic ear infection can permanently damage your middle and inner ear.

  • Causes of Ear infection:

  1. ·          Bacterial or virus infection
  2. ·         Allergies
  3. ·         Sinus infections
  4. ·         Swollen or infected adenoids
  5. ·         Smoking
  6. ·         Cold
  7. ·         Excess mucus
  8. ·         Changes in air pressure
  9. ·         Seasonal factors

  • Symptoms of Ear infection:

  1. ·         Headache
  2. ·         Trouble in sleeping
  3. ·         Fussiness
  4. ·         Loss of appetite
  5. ·         Fever
  6. ·         Trouble in hearing
  7. ·         Ear pain
  8. ·         Fluid leakage from the ear
  9. ·         Nausea
  10. ·         Vomiting
  11. ·         Dizziness
  12. ·         Swelling in the ear

Diagnose of Ear Infection:

·         Pneumatic otoscope: An instrument that is used to diagnose an ear infection. It enables the doctor to look into the ear and examine the infected part.

·         Tympanometry: This test is done to measure the movement of the eardrum. Acoustic reflectometry: This test is done to measure how much sound is reflected from the eardrum.

·         Tympanocentesis: this test is done rarely when a tiny tube that pierces the eardrum to drain out fluid from the middle ear.

When to call a doctor:
  1. ·         Severe pain in the ear
  2. ·         Discharge of fluid or blood in the fluid from the ear
  3. ·         Inflammation in the ear after cold

For more information, visit Mayom Hospital, one of the best ENT hospitals in Gurgaon. This place provides world-class facilities at an affordable cost and maintains the highest standard of professional competency.


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