When you have decided to start planning a pregnancy, routine health checkups is important at this time as a problem that can affect your pregnancy such as diabetes, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, etc can be diagnosed and corrected before you get pregnant. Initiating a pregnancy plan is one way to help that your baby has the greatest chances of having good health and that you have a healthy pregnancy.

Best hospital in Gurgaon Haryana

Planning for pregnancy typically involves:

  1. Take prenatal vitamins 3 months before conception. Prenatal vitamins have higher amounts of folic acid to prevent neural tube defects, calcium promotes strong bones and teeth, and iron supports the development of blood and muscle cells.
  2. Avoid hazardous substances such as nicotine, alcohol, and recreational drugs. It has adverse effects for your baby, and obviously for yourself.
  3. A healthy diet and exercise are also helpful both in terms of improving conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Eat healthy food, lots of fruits, vegetables and a healthy amount of meat unless you are vegetarian. 
  5. Keeping your vitamin levels high is something that you want during pregnancy, but after that as well.
  6. Go for walks. It is important to keep yourself in shape and healthy and walks are perfect for this during pregnancy. 
  7. Sleep enough and sleep well. Sleeping 4–5 hours will worsen your health and disposition; try sleeping in a comfortable position. 
  8. Go to the Best hospital in Gurgaon Haryana, whenever you feel something is not okay and you don’t really know what’s going on, it’s always better to check with a Best delivery hospital in Gurgaon than waiting for it to go away.

The pregnancy specialists at Mayom Hospital provide exceptional care for women with complications identified prior to or during pregnancy and for their unborn babies with the good Delivery package in Gurgaon hospital.

Source:- Mayom Hospital


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