Effect of Junk Food During Pregnancy

Are you always craving for junk foods? Chocolates, pizzas, burgers, sodas, Ice-creams can be very tasty, but they are all very unhygienic, unhealthy and unsafe especially during pregnancy. If you are having junk foods during your pregnancy then you should reconsider your choices about your food cravings or visit the pregnancyhospital in Gurgaon and consult the gynecologist.

The intake of a healthy diet throughout your pregnancy is the prime requirement for your growing baby for his nutritional requirements. The period of pregnancy is very delicate, you should be extra careful about what you eat. Here, the expert of Mayom Hospital, the top maternity hospitalin Gurgaon gives you some specific reasons why you need to limit your junk food during pregnancy:

·           Allergies and Asthmatic tendencies can be increased due to high sugar content in the diet.

·          Consumption of high fat or sugar diet may increase the chance of genetic abnormalities.

·          Excessive weight gain or unhealthy weight gain may increase the risk of various complications,           birth defects, sleep apnea, miscarriage, and stillbirths.

·          There is zero nutritional value of junk foods. It contains sugar, salt, unhealthy fats and cholesterol        which should not be eaten during pregnancy.

·        Excessive intake of junk foods, fried foods, packaged and processed food may upset your stomach     and might cause indigestion, bloating and gas.

·          Junk foods contain zero fiber content and fiber is very essential for a smooth bowel movement.

·         Due to high sugar in junk foods, the risk of gestational diabetes may also increase.

·        Due to high-fat and high-sugar diets, you may also suffer from pre-pregnancy obesity that can lead      to heart diseases in the future.

·         Your baby can also be addicted to fatty foods and they will no longer experience “feel good”                hormones while eating healthy food.

To know more regarding the effects of Junk foods, visit Mayom Hospital, the best hospital in Gurgaon, Haryana.


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