Coronavirus Infection and Pregnancy

As we all know that coronavirus is a deadly infection that spreads rapidly from one person to another person. The active cases are increasing day-by-day, so the tension and stress of the pregnant women. Pregnant women are anxious nowadays, especially those who are in their last trimester or going to deliver in a few days. There are so many questions in your mind about your and your baby’s health. To know the answer of all the pregnant ladies, we talked to Dr. ArtiGupta at Mayom Hospital, one of the top maternity hospitals in gurgaon.

Question 1: What effect does coronavirus have on pregnant women?
Answer:  In general, the effect of coronavirus is the same as on the normal person. It is not more likely to be seriously unwell. If some pregnant women will experience COVID-19, the symptoms are the same such as fever, cold and cough. In the most severe case, it would be pneumonia or other severe problem. I would suggest to all pregnant women that if you are suffering from the flu symptoms, so do not take lightly, immediately contact your maternity care team.

Question 2: What effect will coronavirus have on the baby if pregnant women are diagnosed with the infection?
Answer: We still don’t have any clue about the increased risk of any complications because it is a very new virus, so doctors and scientists are still working to know more about this new virus. We will update the information when we get to know as soon as possible.

Question 3: What can pregnant women do to reduce my risk of catching coronavirus?
Answer: All you need to follow the guidelines issued by the government. This includes:
·         Wash your hands with soap frequently.
·         Use tissues or handkerchief when you sneeze or cough.
·         Avoid gathering in public space either small or large or even in family or friends.
·         Avoid junk foods, packaged foods.
There are many more guidelines; we all have to follow strictly.

Question 4: What do pregnant women need to do now?
Answer: Follow the guidelines properly. Maintain social distancing from everyone. IF someone in your home comes from outside, tell them to take a bath and change their clothes first and then come to you or touch your thing. This is a very hard time for everyone, so we all need to be very careful.
If you have queries related to coronavirus infection during pregnancy, then you can talk to Dr.Arti Gupta at Mayom Hospital on call.

Stay Home, Stay Safe!!

Source :- Mayom Hospital


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