Tips for Preventing Eye Infections

When the harmful micro-organism such as fungus, bacteria, viruses, etc infect any part of the eye like eyeballs or the tissues surrounded to them, cornea, thin membrane of inner and outer eyelids, or any other parts, then the eye infection occurs. It can lead to itchy, red, and painful eyes that can be watery, swollen, and sensitive. The eye infection can be treated well and often be avoided.

• Red eyes
• Pain
• Eye discharge
• Watery eyes
• Dry eyes
• Light Sensitivity
• Swollen eyes
• Swelling around the eyes
• Itching
• Blurry vision

Anytime you feel these symptoms, consult the eye specialist in Gurgaon. DO not delay to consult the doctor because sometimes it may cause permanent eye loss.
How can you keep your eyes safe?
• Get a habit to wash and clean your hands before touching your eyes, especially when you are using eye drops or contact lens.
• Develop good hygiene is one of the best ways that avoid eye infection because rubbing the eyes when they are blurry or itchy is very natural.
• Use a clean towel or washcloths to reduce the risk of eye infection. Avoid sharing your towels with anyone. Wash your towel in hot water frequently.
• Do not forget to remove your eye makeup before sleeping because it can cause redness, itchiness in your eyes.
• Avoid sharing your cosmetics such as eye makeup, eye care products, eye drops, etc with anyone.
• Wearing the contact lens increase the risk of eye infection, that’s why taking good care of the contact lens and maintain good hygiene is very important.
• Do not forget to remove the lens before sleeping and keep them away from water.

To know more tips to keep your eyes safe and how to prevent eye infection, feel free to consult Dr. Pallavee R Goswami at Mayom Hospital. Anyone who is suffering from any type of eye infection can visit this hospital immediately. It is one of the best hospitals in Gurgaon, Haryana.


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